Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast

Did you ever wonder.....

......what actually happens to Olympic torch bearers AFTER they've done the deed? Well apparently it's a slow handclap, a couple of catcalls, some judgemental stares and then standing room only on the support bus (complete with audio/video surveillance making sure they drink nothing stronger than water and don't talk dirty) and then swiftly back to the holding pen.

Nah, not really! This is a screenshot of a pic I took yesterday (I left the cursor in to prove the point)....yeah, so I weakened, it wasn't raining, then I hit lucky because I was forced to accidentaly head for a handover point for the flame while avoiding a garrulous aged neighbour spotted as I came out of the garden gate (seriously, I'd never have got there before christmas, it had to be done!), loads of local support and a great atmosphere (despite the weather) but I was back inside the house 10 minutes after leaving.....after all there's limits!

Of course now I'm thinking about doing an 'alternative Olympics', any other contenders out there up for the 'Emergency catfood 500yds dash'? (other alternative events open to negotiation)

PS....The marginally better original shot is on Flickr, along with another one of the police outriders

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