Fish fingers
I did leave the house today and I remembered to take the big camera and even took some scenic panorama shots. But if the point of blip is to remember the little moments, then here's one: my daughter filleted a fish.
CarbBoy is very allergic to white fish, and doesn't like the other kinds, so it's not something we eat a lot of. So, with him on a sleepover, it was a choice of steak (another of his allergies) or fish tonight, and I went for fish. The nice fish lady asked how I was going to cook it and volunteered to do the filleting for me - which I'm sure would have given us much bigger and tidier fillets, but when I explained that I wanted to teach my daughter how to do it, she looked like she was going to cry with joy. (I backed away nervously.)
So, in true Generation Game style, I filleted one side, and TallGirl did the other. Then we skinned them, dipped them in flour and cooked them briefly in butter. With a butter and lemon 'sauce', new potatoes and green beans, it was a heavenly dinner, and a well-earned one.
Earlier, I had dropped CarbBoy off at his sleepover and shopped. Much sewing today, some puzzling over a pattern where I am trying to join half of a blouse to most of a skirt - in a piece of fabric that is not quite big enough for the whole. Some judicious seam allowance adjustment and moving some darts, and it all seemed to fit in in the end. Maybe.
Also a conversation with the most rude and annoying man in history, who I would dearly love never to see again, but will in fact have to see again very soon. And then TallGirl and I watched Bridget Jones' Diary. Surprisingly it was the bad language and not the sex that she was embarrassed by. Kids, eh? The bad language on French telly doesn't seem to bother her.
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