Full of rain

Friday 14th August 2015 (1084)

Yesterday I travelled from Leeds and my brother and sister-in-law travelled from Norfolk all for a game of golf today. Unfortunately the forecast was right, it was raining when we got up. It eased a little so we decided to go for it. We managed 3 holes before it started raining again but it was very fine rain so it didn't put us off, we did get rather wet though. We played 12 holes then called it a day. A most enjoyable game despite the weather. 

We then picked Mum up and went for a meal. It has been a lovely family 24hrs. They headed home late afternoon. I'm staying over another night. 

I liked the way this spider's web had caught the rain and all the patterns it had made. 


I have adjusted the number at the top as I must have miscounted somewhere along the line. I have now deleted all my pre blip blips so that the numbers tally and my blip birthday will be celebrated on the right day, almost 3 yrs, just another week or so!   

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