Final Piece 'The Ferry Pier Ullalpool'

Today's image is the final piece I made at Bridge House Art.
It's from a sketch I did on the very first day, of the ferry pier at Ullapool.
The ferry pier always resonates with us as it was so much a part of Ullapool when we lived on Lewis, this was our lifeline to the mainland :-)
I wanted to reflect the working nature of Ullapool harbour :-)
It has been a wonderful week here in Ullapool and Eleanor has been such an inspiring tutor :-)
The extras I've posted today are 'Come on Cecilia' the shot of our group here in Ullapool, work in progress which shows this final piece at an earlier stage and the last image is the painting I did at Achiltibuie looking across the water to Tanera where we spent a week long course with Eleanor :-)

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