Happy Anniversary MrsT

11 years ago MrsT and I tied the knot.

I had a meeting at Eurocentral today and enjoyed lunch with a colleague at a local cafe.

We had visitors today when I returned. Uncle C and Auntie L were here from Watford with their dog.

Once they left and MrsT and L went to swimming lessons, I continued preparation on the office decoration.

After dinner Granny and Grandad turned up to help and we got all the skirting boards off and the carpet, etc uplifted.

We almost had a disaster when L opened a door to a large bookcase we were moving and it fell flat on the floor destroying the window sill in the process!

I dread to think what would have happened if she had got caught under it as it plummeted to the floor. I'm not sure who got the biggest fright....me, her or MrsT!

In the evening BiL K and his family turned up with their new 2 day year old baby L.

I didn't get a chance to see her as I was working upstairs so hopefully MrsT wasn't getting too broody!

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