Let There Be Light

By solli


We have something in common, this little tree swallow and I. We're always ready to eat!

He was sitting right up front, his little head peering out the door, looking for his mother. "Are you my mother? he asked.

"No, I'm a people person who doesn't want to make your parents any more upset with me than they already are, so I'm leaving now. Be brave little guy, and good luck in your future. Watch out for those hawks. There was a terrible battle over at 26 Lenape. Large feathers all over the place. Not sure if the chicks made it out but I'd like to think your extended swallow family put up a real good fight! One more thing! Don't hog the food! Make sure you leave some for your sibling!

Thank you all for your hearts and stars on yesterday's Calico Pennant! He was a winner in my book!

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