Hubby's Sunset

Today, after a very slow start to the morning, we thought to climb Mt. Tapyas.  It's right in Coron.  Of course, it's just a hill but the locals call it a mountain, and after you climb its 742 steps you'll agree very wholeheartedly.  It took us 1.5 hours to reach the top but only about half an hour to descend.  At the top, you can admire the breathtaking views of many of the surrounding islands and take shots if the light is good.  On a hot day, it can be quite hazy and that does not give good results.  Also at the top, there are pathways leading to very shady Zen-ish huts that are so quiet you tend to whisper even when there's no one else around.  Of course, by the time you get to them, you're too tired and out of breath to say anything in the first place.  Meanwhile, while either climbing or descending, there are various kinds of butterflies -- first extra shot -- and dragonflies.  At the start of the climb, though, there is a commemorative plaque that I find quite heartwarming and unique.  It's my second extra shot.

After a lazy afternoon (what else would you call watching films for about 4 hours?), I decided to enjoy the evening air and hubby joined me.  The sunset was just beginning and I had already taken some shots when we realized that we had forgotten the flashlight.  I offered to walk back to fetch it and left the cam with hubby.  The shot above is one of several he took.  I love it.  Dinner of fresh tanigè, marlin and soup finished our day.

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