What a day . . .

From the 6-30am G&T in drizzly Manchester to karaoke under the stars in a Spanish bar!!!

In between . .
A successful flight with nobody needing to throw up or need slapping! The hotel is great with superb views over the bay, and a lovely C shaped pool, so after the all inclusive lunch, we obviously decided to carry all our beach clobber down 189 steps in blistering heat to the beach! Why? Because it's fantastic!!! Fine white sand, wonderful cool breeze and sea that's cold enough to cool and be a challenge but warm enough to stay in until everything goes wrinkly!

The snorkelling
The snorkelling
So good I had to say it twice!!
Imagine scaling the fish tank up to the size of a bay and then swimming in it!!! Photos will follow.
After a snooze on the beach it was back to the pool to de-salt and ice creams (all included!)

The evening meal which was very high standard was where we discovered which of the all inclusive drinks were fit for human consumption and which aren't (red wine!)
Out for a reci after that ending up at the 'Aloha' kareoke bar enjoying over confident kids and dangerously intoxicated adults showing off their talents!!!

The Chinese supermarket on the way back was where a patio door caused hysterics, and will long be remembered as the 'tena lady' incident . . .

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