
By briocarioca

Music to my ears

Pictured is a more musical early morning wake-up call than the one-note humming bird. This little wren delights me every morning.

HH was doing far better today  In addition to an intravenous drip, he's now being fed through a tube down his throat – looks highly uncomfortable, but at least goes straight to his stomach. Talking much better and the doctor tells me the infection and the pneumonia are responding to the antibiotics. He even hazarded a guess - first one to do so - that HH might be able to move to a room on Monday or Tuesday, which would be a great improvement.

He’s still in remarkably good spirits, and taught me sign language - he was using it yesterday, as unable to talk in any way intelligibly, but dummy here wasn't too brilliant at interpreting it. The nurses said he comes up with some pearl every time they go in there, so he’s still communicating and hasn’t lost his sense of humour.

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