Crepe van

Peach had a venue pass and very kindly suggested she take the family Cyclops to see a children's show called Brush.  Coincidentally, this was one that MrsCyclops had fancied out of the brochure so that was brilliant.  Well the show was quite bizarre - a Korean theatre group performing a play for children and creating/painting the set as they went along.  We all enjoyed it a lot, BabyCyclops was mesmerised.  Highly recommend.  Review here.

After, we went up to George Square where Peach's brother was working in the crepe van.  We three grown ups got a savoury crepe to eat in the gardens and BabyCyclops shared enthusiastically.  

Home for a nap, then later we went up to Jenn's Den to play before dinner.  

New skills today for BabyCyclops - nodding (he has been able to shake his head for a while!) and drinking through a straw.

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