A rather lovely day

Today could have gone one of two ways. A day of grouching and grumping, or a day of happiness and giggles.
Luckily it went the second way.

Night wasn't great, Lee chipped in and we got through it, Munchie woke early so daddy went to her, he fell asleep in her bed and she gave daddy the slip and went and woke Wom up :(

Plan was made to head to Croft Castle, so off we went. Wom slept there, Munchie didn't. First through the doors, always a winner. Straight to the play area, it was good. Walked on to the natural play area, this was even better. Walked back to the main area for lunch. Why, why why, whenever Lee goes to order food for me does it go wrong? Jacket potato, raw in the middle, should have sent it back, but didn't want to have to wait for another...:(

Both children had mammoth sleep, both in the car and then once home. Plan was made to let them sleep till 3:30, have later than normal tea and then head to the pub for a while in the hope that we would knacker them out.

The plan sort of worked. Home and bathed just before 8pm, Wom was asleep by 8:15pm, sadly Munchie took considerably longer and has only just crashed, 2 hours after normal bedtime. Goodness only knows what time she will wake in the morning. Place bets now.

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