on Cape Clear

from right to left - myself, my sister, my niece, my brother -in- law. 

A nice day out, we set off to Baltimore in the morning - first for a walk around the garden, 
Then to the Beacon and a ramble about on the cliffs, enjoying the the great weather and the deep green water and the heather covered hillsides. 
Then a picnic in the village as we watched boats come and go and had great chats with other day-trippers, and the we set off on the ferry to Cape Clear. 
It was remarkably choppy and we got drenched again, even though we were up on the top deck of the boat.  Good fun though, and great views of Sherkin and of Roaring Water Bay and the distant Mizen.
We stopped off on the island for an hour (whetting their appetite to come again and explore further), had an ice cream and a little ramble, then set off back to Baltimore. A smoother crossing this time with gannets diving and the rumour of whales and great views of the coast. 

Home to cook a feast of vegetables from the garden and to sit around an outdoor fire while the sun went down.
My daughter and son-in-law joined us later. and we ate cake and ice cream and watched shooting stars across the night sky.  Bliss. 

extra photos - 
1. Kedge Island seen from the west, Spain tower on the far left and the distant Stags on the far right, Toe Head on the centre horizon.

2. Entering Baltimore harbour. 

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