Saturday: Books In The Wall

We got up relatively early today to take Mark to the bus station as he was, rather exotically, getting the bus to Belgrade.  It has been great having him here, and he was the right person to have around, given recent circumstances, as he is such a gentle soul.

The plan was then to go to the market to stock up but it turned out to be a public holiday so everything was closed.  We had a bit of a lazy day - we are still very tired........

This evening, we went to 'Titus' to meet Morana and Gabi whom we haven't seen for a long time.  We passed this window which, naturally, I couldn't resist.  Generally, it is helping to be back here and around people.  There are obviously still sad moments and there will be for some time to come.  But, day and day..........

It's not a terribly sharp shot - I am not really bothered about putting a lot of effort into photography at the moment.

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