my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie

Sunsetting on a day absent of any other photos

Dex and I had a great day today and it's a shame that i forgot to take any photos to record it!

Had old family friends round for lunch - neighbours from when I lived in London until I was 4. Haven't seen them in at least a decade! Was quite pleased at how I managed to get the flat sorted in such short notice. Dexter really enjoyed having them round. He was in full on show off mode.

We had plans to meet another old friend in the afternoon. Again, someone I hadn't seen in a good ten years. We had spoken about meeting at Princes Street gdns so Dex and I headed there and awaited her call but it never came. Ah well, at least it got us out the house and Dex got a wee nap. Hope she's OK.

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