
By Photogen


This tropical fruit has so much going for it. It looks spectacular and it is aromatic, sweet and juicy. It can be consumed fresh, cooked, juiced or preserved. My preference is fresh with a few spoonfuls of almond or coconut yoghurt made with soya milk. When European explorers discovered this tropical fruit in the Americas in the 17th century they called them "pineapples" due to the outward resemblance to the pine cone. 
Apart from being rich is Vitamin C and manganese it is rich in a unique enzyme bromelain which can be used in the treatment of arthritis and sports injuries, as a supplement. You'd have to eat a lot of actual pineapple for it to make a significant difference, but I live in hope that it will help in easing the nagging pain in my left leg that has  appeared recently out of the blue!

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