twinned with trumpton


Awoke early; much preparation was needed. As the boys slept, I heated the courgette, basil and gorgonzola soup, made a sneaky chicken sandwich and prepped the vinaigrette for dinner.
That done, we ate, dressed and were out before 8 to drop the boys back up the road, before rescuing Barry from some track suit wearing youf at the bus stop along the road.
And then to Bridge of Orchy to catch the 1048 to take us to Corrour. We met about 50 others there set on climbing Beinn na Lap as my friend Bod and his wife Val were aiming to compleat the Munros there today.

Midgies notwithstanding, there was a cheery mood on the platform as the train rolled in and and it was so busy that by the time we got to Corrour we hadn't been asked for fares. Oh well.

So we disembarked, met Al and Col and soon enough the merry procession wound its way towards Loch Ossain - a place I was last at in 1973? Then left and up the hillside, through the boggy grass and onto the summit ridge. Plenty chatting, reminiscing and banter, 3 hours after kick off, young Cameron (Bod and Val's 6 year old grandson) touched the summit cairn to claim his first munro. Seconds later his grandparents followed him and thus bagged their 282nd munro.

Dalwhinnie whisky was produced as was Prosecco, beer and various other libations. Toast were drunk and much merriment ensued.

Meanwhile, me and Barry (neither of whom were drinking) decided in the four hours to the next train, we could bag the Corbett Leum Uilliem which lies on the opposite side of the railway from Beinn na Lap.

So off we shot; and an hour down and a further hour and 20 minutes after that, we strolled across the summit to claim our second hill of the day. Great views all around, and a more interesting hill than the munro and only 30 feet shy of being a munro, it was a worthy addition to a fine day.

We made it back with over 30 minutes to spare and even had time for a swift lager shandy.

Then the train arrived; took us all back across Rannoch Moor in fabulous golden sunshine and all too soon we were heading south and homeward.

The contrast of the remoteness with Barry's neighbourhood in Magdalene was extreme; I dropped him and headed into a Leith sunset and I got in to find she'd arrived and had run me a bath, and prepared fish with vinaigrette / tomato / olive sauce, chips and chard, and made the rice pudding, too...!

And we both slept soundly from around midnight.

I could do extras, but there's so many I could add, that it's easier if I add the link to the Facebook album

Me and Baz 3/4 of the way up Leum Uilliem; a 22km day (but not that much ascent - maybe a 1000m all in?)

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