If Carlsberg made Sundays

I went down to Wittersham Road to say hello to Tryfan46 as he was operating the signal box. I arrived in time to see two trains pass so there was all sorts of trickery with token exchanges. This shot shows Tryfan46 (in white shirt) watching two engine drivers climbing onto the train pulled by the American built 0-6-0 side tank engine. They were spare here because they had brought L92 down to be bunged onto a low-loader for road travel to somewhere exotic - the extra shot shows the preparations. 

Then home to very much enjoy listening to the City Vs Chelsea game on the wireless and have a nice meal. 

To cap the day off - I heard a very loud noise outside and got to the door in time to see the Red Arrows fly over in transit to Biggin Hill after displaying down on the coast. I'm assuming that this was the case as their website suggested that they should have been well gone by the time they went past but I'm not complaining - it was a tremendous sight (and sound!). 

All this interspersed with chats with chums on Twitter and daughters on texts (we discussed the game and steak knives) - it's been a jolly nice day.

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