Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Poise and balance

Up early today as Mum wanted to go to the Stirling Highland Games. Bought some fudge on the way in before finding a spot to watch everything. Great sunny day. They had a few sprint races for multiple age groups including males and female in the same race using a handicap system. Bike racing as well as the heavy weights doing the shot put, hammer and tossing the caber. At the other end was the Highland dancing competition. Not quite sure about it, as their legs do all sorts for funny things while the top half stays still. Makes their legs look possessed. However you have to admire the poise and balance they have to have to do it.

Finished there and came back for some food before going out up town to get a drink on George street at the Famous Grouse Bar. Festival in full swing. Feeling a bit crispy after sitting out all day in the sun.

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