The beach (a different part)

I can't quite remember how we decided on the bus as a place to stay but it was only once we'd chosen it that I realised how close it was to our Twitter friend @mermaidstranded. And so it was that we arranged to meet up while we were down here.

One complicating factor is that the Mermaid is, indeed, stranded at the moment, after a fairly significant foot operation. So, we popped around for a cup of tea - ably prepared by her young daughter - and a natter in the garden. By the time it was time for us to head off to the beach, we offered to take the young mermaid as she was getting on well with Dan and the miniMinx, thereby inadvertently gaining ourselves a very useful guide.

Lat week, the forecast suggested we'd have rain every day that we were here but we've had none so far and today it was properly sunny. Thus we set up camp on a lovely, quiet stretch of beach, and the kids went to play in the sea while the Minx and I read our books. It was blissful.

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