It's my birthday!

I'm 8 years old today and I was going to be blipped with 8 balloons but Ann couldn't blow them up because she didn't have enough puff! So then she made me this stupid little balloon necklace. I went racing straight out onto the sun terrace to check that there was no one around that would see me looking like a complete pratt?!

Anyway, for my 'birthday treat' I am going on a walking holiday next week. I'm going to be walking 50 more miles of the 'South West Coast Path'. That's a lot of walking, even for a super fit collie like me. I bet Ann will be more tired than me at the end of it though - hee, hee!!! Ann has made sure that the places we are staying in, have wifi for blipping purposes, however if for any reason we can't get internet access we will back blip.

And now it's 'rant' time!

For anyone who is wondering how Ann is getting on with T189 (OU Digital Photography); she submitted her CMA (Computer Marked Assignment) and only got 63%. Well, that's hardly surprising considering she's practically given up on the course. 63% puts her into the bottom 7% of people on the course and yet her 'feedback form' says that she's 'satisfactory'??!!! How stupid is that?????

When did society switch to this ridiculous notion that people have to be told they're a success even when it's obvious that they're not? Ann hasn't done the work for this course so she didn't know the answers. End of story! To Ann, being in the bottom 7% is not 'satisfactory' - she's almost bottom so why didn't the OU just tell her that she's crap not very good?!!

And then; just to add more fodder to this rant - Ann spoke to her 12 year old niece and congratulated her for moving up two sets in maths. Ann said that she was never very good at maths at school and 12 year old niece said, 'You must have had a bad teacher'????? NOOOOOOOOO - she just wasn't very good at maths. Why is the blame always shifted onto somebody else??????

People are not all the same. There's always going to be people that are cleverer/thicker/prettier/uglier, etc, etc, than others. That's life! Nobody is going to be a success at everything. Life is a competition and sometimes you fail - Get over it?!!!

OK rant over.

.......................And Ann likes to think that she's good at blipping because I've got so many subscribers. Is that one of her strengths? .........................She likes to think so............................ Or maybe it's just because I'm such a gorgeous collie??!!!

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