Robert Ostrochovsky

By youoregon1

Environmental Effects "8"

While I have generally blipped how we as humans have affected the world in this personal challenge, I decided to do a reverse affectation. How the world has forced humans to effect their lifestyle. In other words, how we have reacted to the busy, multi layered world we live in. So subjective and specific to my world.
I am able to survive bouts of information overload by stepping back and changing the world of form into Abstract Thursdays, every day. And an emphasis on music that relaxes. Pandora radio is heaven when it comes to finding music that soothes like a drug.
I probably have a few dozen favorite artists and to list any or even link one is not necessary. My mantra is, run with what soothes you! And, this accidental blip of flagstones in my yard, with the macro Olloclip, is a winner because it soothes me.

We have been watching the Shogun series and I enjoyed a statement made by Mariko. She is teaching Richard Chamberlain about Japanese traditions and ways to survive in a crowded land, and that is where this whole blip started.

"We are taught from childhood to disappear within ourselves, to grow impenetrable walls behind which we live.....Do not be fooled by our bows and smiles, our gentleness and attentions. Beneath them all, we can be far away, safe and alone. That is what we seek: oblivion."

being An Introvert

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