Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Tripping the Light Fantastic

We've come over to Scarborough for a couple of days to celebrate the 3rd wedding of my friends R and G. Yes, their 3rd!

They performed their own ceremony years ago, just the two of them. Then, later, when civil partnerships came in, they got hitched again. Now that same-sex marriage is finally legal, they've made honest women of each other once more. They tell me that they don't have plans for any more ceremonies!

I've known R for 33 years - since the 6th form! - and she's been with G for 28 of those years. They're wonderful people and a very special couple who've come through a lot but always been there for each other and it was very moving to celebrate their union and their lives together along with them and their friends today.

The whole thing was documented by a professional photographer and video-maker so, for once, my camera stayed in my bag most of the time...

However, later tonight, on our way back to our lovely Air B&B accommodation, we popped into an 'Art Happening' at the old Parcels Office at Scarborough Station which has recently been turned into a studio space. The event, 'Deep Cuts', was a living art instillation intended as a protest against budget cuts, funding cuts, cuts to benefits and reduced funding to the NHS as we know it. Local musicians created an electronic soundscape as visual artists produced paintings, sculptures and light shows - including a sculpture of tinned food which will be disassembled and donated to a local food bank. An unexpected element to our trip but a great way to end the night!

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