
By crabtree


I paid a visit to my grandparents old house today as I was in the area shooting a wedding. This was where I used to come during the summer holidays as a child, (probably so my parents could have a break!), and I have lots of fond memories of playing in the big garden, christmas' with the family, falling out of trees and seemingly endless summers. 

It was a nice experience and super nostalgic as although there have been changes, there is a lot that is still the same. I haven't been here for around 17 years so it really was like being transported back to childhood. Little things like the moss on the wall at the end of the garden and the nobbly paving stones brought back lots of memories of clambering around the garden and playing games with my brother.

One of the main reasons I was interested to go back was to see if the spooky vibes were still there. I always had a feeling of being watched in the garden and felt uncomfortable being there on my own, sometimes I would dare myself to run around it when everyone else was inside. The feelings were stronger in the house, I remember facing the wall in bed, afraid to turn around in case something was standing over me, and even seeing a shadow going down the stairs one night (my bedroom didn't have a door on it). I thought it was my grandpa, when I asked him why he had not come back up he told me he hadn't been downstairs during the night. Several years later, after my grandparents had passed, we were sitting around reminiscing, and it turns out most of the family had similar feelings but had never talked about it.

Anyway there wasn't much trace of spookyness, although when I had a look upstairs in the house it still didn't feel right to me...probably just memories of an overactive childhood imagination! 

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