Times Of My Life

By CarolB


I'm on a day off today, arranged ages ago in case I was needed for babysitting before the schools go back.  In the event I wasn't, but decided to have the day off anyway.

What a treat to wake up to glorious sunshine, and a bit of heat.  And also to know that the BT engineer was coming to do something about our dodgy broadband which has been running so slow that we could hardly be bothered going online at all. 

It was taking up to 20 minutes to upload my blipfoto, which when it is never that good anyway, was just a waste of time. 

Anyway, Dave from BT has been, and got us up to speed again (although only 7mb, and we cannot get the super-fast variety here).  We had a lovely chat about dogs while he ate his sandwich in the garden, and now he is away and I am just about to go back to my weeding. 

Monday is Bin Day in the village, so this picture is taken from upstairs, as the big blue truck trundles round gathering up all our rubbish.  I do love to see all the washing hanging out on lines, and lawns neatly trimmed from the weekend. 

Have a good week all.

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