Second flush

Well, it has been a hugely productive day today! Home by 10:30 this morning after a largely uneventful flight aside from discussing the finer points of aeroplane seat reclining etiquette with the lady in front of us and successfully convincing the passport lady that I was ok to bring daisy and will into the country. I am not sure if her problem was that we have different surnames or if Jay wasn't with us but there was much pursing of lips, some light questioning of Daisy, advice to carry their birth certificates in the future and the provisioning of a leaflet on child smuggling. I haven't read it so am not sure if it tells me short cuts for greater success or something else. Anyway, we bid a fond farewell to our travelling companions and came home. I have washed every bit of holiday laundry which is now at varying stages of drying which makes me very proud. Back to work tomorrow, it's a very email heavy company, if I have less than 1000 emails from the last two weeks I will be delighted.

I don't have end of holiday misery though which is nice. I have a couple of work projects to get started which will be good (famous last words), we will have a puppy very soon, theres 3 weeks left of the school holidays, then it's my birthday and. Then obviously it's just the annual push to lose three stone by Christmas......

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