Gimme a clawfoot

Gimme a Pigfoot, Bessie Smith

Hot and humid even here today. We're saved by a breeze of the water, but not by much. Even Raspberry might even be a bit too warm. I loved her pose clasping the old clawfoot on our big table, the table that my grandfather Gordon and his siblings sat at years ago...Gordon, Abbie, Ruth, George, Sam in this old house.

We had breakfast out on the deck at Helen's Restaurant this morning and did some errands to the refrain of "it's awful hot" from all the locals. We have our afternoon and evening planned, Lobster Rolls from Bayside Take out on Beals Island for supper, then a Sea Chantey sing a long in Addison, a bit south of here. I'll probably post an extra photo from the sing a long later. 

Here they are... the old building needs work but was lovely, an old church, now community center and a wonderful evening of old songs of the sea and sail from Washington County Maine

For the Record, 
This day came in hot and humid, but it's all saved by the breeze off the water.

All hands healthy

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