Sunrise, Coron

Our last sunrise in this beautiful but oh-so-down-to-earth place.  I didn't do anything with the shot.  What you are seeing here is what it was.

Today we flew back to Manila, this time with Philippine Airlines.  It left 10 minutes ahead of schedule and arrived 20 minutes earlier.  We were so early our room at the condotel wasn't ready yet and so we 'lanterfantered' around in the malls till we were sure we could check in.  Then, while hubby went to enjoy the pool, I organized the suitcases, did my bookkeeping, posted yesterday's shot, and got in touch with my cousins for one last bash tonight.  Everyone who was 'in' was there and my goddaughter C picked the place.  She is taking after me in so many ways it's unbelievable.

Tomorrow will be a long day ...

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