Favourite things (Day102)

The morning dawned misty, but as I wandered up the hill with the dogs it was starting to burn off.
I trundled to work as my beautiful wife headed off to her first shift of the day. My plan to be finished in time to go for a walk with the dogs and the wifeycle was foiled and I spent far too long cleaning up the tiles I grouted on Friday. I finally finished and was home in time to bid HV farewell as she trundled off to work again.
I spent a little while tidying out the van, then jumped on the bike and headed into town.
Another ride out later to Stromness to collect stuff from the lovely Emmy gave me an opportunity to blip two of my favourite things - Hoy and my bike. Hopefully it won't be long before I can ride out with HV and life will be perfect.
The ride home was slightly marred by a foul mouthed horse owner who gesticulated at me as I rode past the field she was in with her horse. I was unaware that I was supposed to ride past horses in a field at 5mph. Deleting all the obscenities that were hurled at me when I turned round to ask why she gesticulated, she informed me that despite the fact I couldn't see her next to the horses until I was 20 feet away, I shouldn't ride past horses at all. Some horsey people need to be a little more open minded towards the rest of the world.

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