
By witchcreations

Highs and lows

First day of just us girls, with Dave back at work ... 

Last night didn't go too well... little un woke a few times and wouldn't go back down in her cot...so it was a tiring night for me... and for Dave who also had to listen to the noise...

However this morning was mostly jolly, only a couple of incidents... 

The main one was to do with sun lotion... Little un wanted to play outside, so I said she either needed to put some more clothes on or have sun block...  I was trying not to chase her around the back yard, as it's concrete, so I managed to coax her back in the house... and just as I pounced , she legged it behind the dining room table, tripped over a chair leg and bashed her face... at this point my hands were covered in the lotion, so I was struggling to pick her up and comfort her as she was like a slippy bar of soap... She's got a bruise on one cheek and I feel very guilty...

On the up side... I taught her how to blow raspberries today... I was blowing them on her belly and then tonight she was sat in her high chair laughing hysterically and showering us with yogurty spit as she demonstrated her powers...  another outstanding event was that she ate a couple of strawberries... an entirely new food source has been allowed into the hallowed sanctum that is her mouth... normally the bars go up before she's even looked at a new item... 

Finally we spent some time with Granny Annie this afternoon... and we had a bit of a visit to the play park, which was all very sociable and nice... and Granny Annie was honoured with a kiss...

Oh and we also managed another bath this evening... not bad for a first day,  although I was very pleased to see Dave when he got home... I do think I need more ideas for activities to entertain our wee one and some kind of back up battery pack for when energy starts to flag...  

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