


00:01:02 - iFRINGE challenge

God is in the TV.
And FRINGE is in the smartphone ;-)

Yep, I got it. The worst scenario for my temporary Fringe project "Focusing on the camera" is here. I took the picture which represented the simply whole idea which I have ever had. First day.

Let me introduce simple what was the idea of the project "Focusing on the camera". I have taken a two walks through the Royal Mile during the Fringe last week. And I found the well-known fact that most of the pictures and videos during the Fringe are taken by smartphones and shared instantly on social networks in a few seconds. Of course I saw many folks with mirrorles-cameras and DSLR' s doing their job seriously. And I could imagine how many hours they are spending to sort the best images from their memory cards and sending them to web space as well. Thousands and thousands of pictures including hashtag  #FRINGE  are sharing through the social networks every day. Did you imagine that every day almost 2 billion images are uploading by us (human beings) on Planet Earth into the web space (social networks etc). Really impressive number if we compare that and the year 2010 when the number of uploading pictures per day was about 200 million. We reach 10 times more in 5 years. This fact was one of my key points to start on the project "Focusing on the camera".
To be honest,  I' m not sure if I could beat today' s image. Really not sure. Maybe I should start to share my idea and inspire a couple of other photographers to take a part in that challenge. Everybody knows the situation that you are stopping by some small venue or place and meeting the person who are snapping the performer or ... So try to take a picture of the performer through the bright and clear screen of smartphone ;-) No, it' s not so easy. Trust me ;-).

I was not successful with a few other shots because:

a/ sun - could' t see the bright LCD screen by the direct light
b/ dactyloscopy - an user' s hand print identification was everywhere on the LCD screen
c/ head,shoulders, hands - an user is holding the smartphone so close to his body (near the head, shoulders etc)

And I should say that most of my pictures was including not so clear background. Oh yes, that' s another part of this challenge. 
First at all, you have to find the ideal subject (person with smartphone).

Take a look on the study of my case:

I passed many smartphones all sizes and colours in the visitors' hands. But all the potential photos were not so perfect. 

Finally after more than hour and a half I met the Chinese family walking up through the Royal Mile. Chinese lady was holding her brilliant and clear iPhone6 mounted on the hi-tech selfie stick. 
Something inside me start screaming; "I got it!!! Track the subject right now". Huge thanks to those Chinese tourists. Asian middle-class family matches my cyber-age' s expectations and represents potentially great subject for my composition. They are going with iStyle. Pure design of the most wanted today' s phone (not for me) are meeting the brilliantly designed selfie-stick. Cult of white colour in quite unique combination. Wow.

Stop talking, you crazy technology - obsessed personality :-D
You, Mr.Hyde of technology :-D
You sound like techno optimist and design fetishist at once :-D 
Crazy iLad!!!

Back to my photo story ;-) Fortunately I used the  90 mm Tamron macro f 2,8 lens for today. And it was the great option. The lady stopped for a while near the St.Giles cathedral and start to shooting an iMovie on her own phone. What a brilliant position. I got it. It takes almost 95 minutes of my photographic life to find the right subject on Royal Mile. 

Thank you China. You made the white iPhone from spare parts and you sent your representatives to Edinburgh to fulfilling my digital photo file with right subject in the middle of my composition. Once again thank you.

Nowadays, we should stay down to Earth ;-) Calm down ;-)

No, the technology couldn' t beat the human despite the fact, that technology should be useful if we know how to use it and for what we want to use all those gadgets ;-)

I have a great Fringe tip for you. Beautiful video of my best today' s and the only one experience at Fringe. Because I like the music, my attention was catching by the beautiful voices of DLOKO HIGH SCHOOL CHOIR on Mercat Stage (5.15pm - 6pm) near St.Giles Cathedral.
If you have a chance, go to see them in Assembly Rooms (August 24 - 30) like the act under the name "Township Voices" in official programme. Really worth to hear (see) them. 

They were the main reason why I broke my personal rule of 36 photos per day session. I took 10 more photos with them ... so today' s counter stopped at number 46. Oh well next time I must not break this rule ;-)

I' m really sorry that I' m not sharing any photo from that beautiful and unique music experience but my personal rule is only one photo per day here. I' m not accepting any extra photos. I hope that I will have a chance to take a picture of them once again ;-)

Looking forward for their gig in Assembly Rooms. I must buy the tickets now. Artificial technology couldn' t replace the unique human voice.

Be good, use your gadgets responsible and enjoy your new week ;-)

Don' t worry, be happy!

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