Kiddies corner...

Had to get the vet out to the cow that calved on Friday. Not a happy camper. The vet doesn't really know what is wrong,so tried a bit of everything. Pumped fluid into her stomach, stuck a bag of saline into her vein,filled her full of antibiotics ,and Metacalm for pain and we will see what happens. The milk has gone off her,so am having to bottle feed her calf. The little sod is refusing to suck,so having to stomach tube it.
The family off into town to the festival. They were at the book festival,which was good by all accounts. They even spotted Paul Merton.Seemingly the street entertainers were good too.
2 on carting Thursdays hay bales into the shed,and I went away down for a load of straw at tea time,just to keep my hand in !
Even managed to get some of the lawns cut tonight.Despite the mower having a flat battery and a flat tyre. Jump started it,blew the tyre up and managed to not stop until all cut (did have quite a lean to one side by the time I finished ! )

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