The Red Hokes Warbler

The Red Hokes warbler is a little seen bird in the UK. This one has obviously lost its way whilst flying south and has taken refuge in this old Blackbird's nest. Once this picture goes viral I am expecting twitchers from all four corners of the kingdom to descend on my garden hoping for a sneaky peak....

A cool morning & P has been for an early visit.

On this day in history :

18 August 1940 is known as The Hardest Day. This was during the Battle of Britain when we lost a massive 136 aircraft out of 600. The German Luftwaffe outnumbered us by a long way but we islanders are fighters. For the whole of the Battle of Britain (July-Oct 1940) 544 aircrews were lost and over 1000 aircraft shot down.

Also on this day in 1936 Robert Redford was born & in 1227 Genghis Khan died.

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