Warning to Grandparents . . .

. . . It's not anywhere near as bad as it looks!!

George's stomach problems, which has been on and off since Sri Lanka found us at the doctors first thing, who felt a stool test for parasites was the sensible option. He had to do a "Ca Ca" in a pot (which he missed and ended up with a bit about the size of a small slug (I know, too much information)), and take it to the hospital, in Mahon. It would take "2 to 3 hours"

Long story short after 8 hours and still no results or even a doctor until we started getting arsey, we left with just enough time to get back before the hotel dinner cutoff time!! (10-00pm)

Looking back the 7 hours we unnecessarily spent stuck in that white box room, saw us through several endurance barriers and led to several bizarre conversation!!!

Just to confirm he's fine eating drinking and swimming (not in that order, obbs) He's just producing muchas ca ca!?! (Doctors words)

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