Just the Withers......

By JaneW

8 hours at sea ....

A very nice gentleman came to collect us at 9am this morning ... He drove us to his restaurant which is on the river and his Son is the captain of one of the boats they own ...I was expecting a nice little boat .. I was NOT expecting this beautiful giant floaty thing of happiness !!!! You can see half of the floaty thing of happiness in the blip picture ... Lucy is wafting about on the bit you can leap off ..
I'm in the deep deep VERY blue sea,I took this photograph using the GoPro.
We managed to see one loggerhead turtle just for a few seconds and that was AMAZING ... So so fabulous I was on the verge of tears.
Did some snorkelling and saw millions of pretty fish and 'stuff' associated with the sea.
The captain and his helper then cooked us our lunch on the BBQ that hangs off the back of the floaty thing of happiness and produced some lovely salads from the fridge ... The boat even had a REAL TOILET !!!
We stopped at 4 different coves and then the last stop of the day was the Turkish mud bath and thermal hot spring .. Strange .. and the thermal water STINKS.

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