My How Time Flies.....

.....when you're having fun.  

Thanks to everyone for their kind words and congratulations on my 1,095th blipday yesterday.  True to form, I zipped right by it without planning something extraordinary, not that I could pull off anything extraordinary. 

 My three years of blipping have been wonderful and I will never cease to be grateful for the friends I've made through blip and the beautiful, funny, amazing blips and journals which I so enjoy.  It doesn't seem possible that random photographs and words posted by people I don't know could be so important but they are and will continue to be a daily source of pleasure.  I can't imagine my day without Polly, Rudi or Alice and what a boring day it would be without Deb's bugs and birds, Kevin's sunsets & squirrels, Mary Jo's adventures with her grandkids, Chrissel's artistic view of the world, PhotoMatt's stunning blips, Midgehole Dave's and BezziePet's daily tours of the England I love so much, Subjunctive's view of the world, and so many more.  They are all important to me.

At the moment, Lizzie and I are dealing with some personal issues that have taken some of the joy out of life for us and our blips have suffered for it, but we're going to plod ahead on the assumption that things will get better.  

Thanks, fellow blippers.  I wouldn't want to be without you.    

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