Black as.....

...the ace of spades, that's me.

Actually I'm really not THIS black, but that's the way the camera saw me, so that's the way it is.

Oh, that Ernie!  He sat on me so hard today, that whenever I get up and try and walk, I'm so stiff and walk with a limp.  HE is getting worried that Ern really is too rough for me.  And I think that SHE agrees. 

So what to do?  I love to play, but I don't like being sat on.  I think SHE'll have to do a bit more supervising for a while, and maybe have a quiet word with Ollie to try and keep his dog better controlled.

In the meantime, I'm getting plenty of massages and tummy rubs to make me better.

I like that bit very much.

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