Mr. HCB enjoys the occasional glass of wine, but I can take it or leave it - and often just have water with my evening meal, whereas he enjoys a glass of Gaillac Rouge, brought back from France for us by good friends.

If we go out and drinks are served - Mr. HCB always says we share the driving - he drives there and I drive home - but the fact is, we do not drink and drive, so it makes sense for one of us to imbibe and the other just to stay on the orange juice.

I can't remember who bought this pack of liqueurs for us - or even when, but now I’ve got them out of the back of the drinks cupboard, perhaps we should use them!

Thought it would make a good blip for Wide Angle Wednesday - I haven’t looked up the subject by the person who set up the challenge - this is good enough for me!  

My extra photograph is the whole picture from my Mystery Macro yesterday - and those of you who guessed it was a garlic press were right.  

Go ahead and drink a little wine (or liqueur!)
     it’s good for your digestion, 
          good medicine for what ails you.
1 Timothy 5:23 
The Message

P.S.  Thank you for all your kind comments and concern about our son, who lives in Bangkok - he and his girlfriend are safe and well.  In fact, he lives 6 miles from where the bomb exploded and hadn't even heard about it until he had a message from our friend Yvonne and me.  He has been to visit the shrine and said there was a very eerie atmosphere there. We will continue to pray for all those affected.

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