Just a lippy bit of messing about.

Apologies for the awful title!
Another early start...but no sunrise to speak of today (have added the stormy dawn in extras...) We had SO much rain last night & through the night, we ended up with no power & had to scrabble together as many candles as we could find. Today's continued much the same, though at least we have daylight!
Asha is LOVING the rain - took her wellies to D-Nens & she jumped the whole way back!
I'm sorry to confirm Bulliblip, that yes, I do wear my hair in this ridiculous 80s style!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Having a roof over my head - so many homeless guys here....can't imagine last night was much fun...
2) The prospect of an Asha/Mummy afternoon.
3) A fun walk home from D-Nens with Asha. Rain is definitely more fun when you have a kid by your side!

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