
By witchcreations

sooo tired

I'm really full of a cold,  little un didn't sleep at all well last night, so I was awake most of the night... I was out of sorts and energy this morning and as a consequence, little un was a complete ratbag until lunchtime, probably picking up on my lack of sparkle.. plus I think she's getting ill again so she was also cranky... 

However this afternoon we got out to the park, and I bumped into a friend and her little boy, which was nice... in fact it's quite difficult to head into the village as our girl is quite the celebrity, and friends and neighbours all want to stop and chat,  they tend to get the stare that looks right through you, which seems to be little uns default state when she's uncertain or processing, however once she's warmed up she starts to honour people with smiles...we also called in on Grannie Annie, this afternoon... it's nice because little un is becoming more familiar with her, so she's starting to chat and interact more...  we were both spoilt by the crumblies today, as little un was given a very nice book and mum has provided us with dinner for the last few evenings, so I haven't had to cook from scratch in the evenings.

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