Penguin Droppings

By gen2

Damsel Feeding

I went looking for dragonflies this afternoon but only found damsels. The only butterflies around were a few green-veined whites so Hobson's choice really.

The most interesting of them was a common blue damselfly (Enallagma cyathigerum) eating a fly that it had captured.

Yesterday, I joined the Tiny Tuesdy Mystery Macro challenge and now is the time to reveal what it was.

Looking rather like a rag doll, she could have been called Flora or Gale

Full name: Galeopsis speciosa, Common name: Large Flowered Hemp-Nettle.
It used to be a common weed of arable fields (particularly potatoes) but is rarely seen nowadays due to changes in farming habits.

I have put up wider views of the flower as extras. One is the image from which the 'doll' was cropped, and the other is a view from slightly further away.

The star was one of my regulars, Mollyblobs, who identified it absolutely spot-on. Well done Molly.

Since the photos weren't taken today, the 'extras' will be found on yesterday's blip.

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