Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Waiting for the rain to stop

This is one of my friend's Boxer dogs sitting in the kitchen doorway waiting for the rain to stop, well that's my interpretation anyway as she's not keen on the rain.  Of course its possible that she was really keeping an eye on her mate who was in the driveway watching the world go by. 

It was actually quite sunny this morning and I walked Misty in Rickerby Park in Carlisle where she met lots of dogs which was good.  We met a 7 month old Great Dane who wanted to play but he was way too big for Misty and she told him off a couple of times and he then accidentally knocked his owner over and she had a lovely lump on her shin, whoops!

Fingers crossed.... all the work should be finished tomorrow, but.... I've found some marks in both sinks, almost like grit has got in the glaze so needs sorting!  Bit of a nuisance really.

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