beyond belief

By jandeblipper

to the cross

This evening I hiked up Mount Tzouhalem to the cross. Members of the St. Ann's Roman Catholic church near the bottom of the mountain carried the cross to the top. I believe this was a Good Friday event almost 40 years ago.

From the cross at about 400 meters above sea level, is a good view of Cowichan Bay (Flickr photo) and the Cowichan Valley. The city of Duncan is in this photograph, looking south west. The fields belong to Cowichan Tribes.

When I descended the mountain, I was the only person on the trail.

When I walk in the forest alone during the early evening hours, I can frighten myself with thoughts of bears and prowling cougars. But then I have met bears before and have never seen a cougar.

I did see two deer.

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