holiday (day 6)

A travel day.

The 18:05 easyJet flight to Munich. One of those rare trips, to be savoured.

Checkin and security at Edinburgh were quick and trouble free. Dr D got a good deal on 2 bottles of malt in "duty free" (also known as Rip Off Alley). £70 for litre bottles of Aberlour 12 year old and a Glenlivet "special".

The plane left and arrived on time. No drunks or other undesirables on board. Passport control was quick at Munich, as were the bags.

As an aside, why do German border police (at least the Munich Airport ones) have a good sense of humour but the British version are such a miserable bunch?

The Blip is the beach at Aberdour. We managed a wee walk there before lunch.

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