feet well travelled

By feettravelled

colours of the wind....

Best day yet at Isubilo I think.

Whilst clearing out one of the rooms, the kids found what one described as 'a big blanket'.

It happened to be a parachute.

All the little kids grabbed a handle and I taught them a few simple games that I knew.

Seeing the kids having real fun, everyone coming to join in, and what joy a 'big blanket' can be.

A few of the children have physical handicaps, and normally struggle to join in with any games we have on Saturdays and just sit down.
Today, one girl dropped her crutches and hopped along to play. She has a HUGE grin on her face.

Laughter filled the 'mushroom' that the parachute made when you fill it with air and sit under it.

Even one of the older volunteers wanted to play 'cat and mouse' under the parachute and by the end, there were about 30 people who wanted a go!
I haven't giggled so much in a long time.

Had a bit of a chilled out afternoon, then we went out for a meal followed by heading to a Zambian Night Club! We obviously stood out but were well protected by the guy in our group - it was an interesting experience!

Lots of singing and dancing later, I dropped into bed!

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