Colouring Book

Back home safe ... and chilly (14 degrees when we landed).  Took the train (2 hours) and hubby just picked up the car where bro-in-law J parked it, quite close to the station in Roosendaal.  We find this arrangement convenient and might do it this way from now on.  At least then J doesn't need to drive all the way north or have to fetch us every time we return.

The best souvenirs are/were in my tummy -- fresh mangoes almost everyday and my favourite cakes.  I don't even buy them here so that I can really enjoy them when we go again.

Other than those, hubby bought himself a bolo, which is the Philippine version of the machete.  He has a passion for knives and swords, and he has a small collection here at home.  He also bought himself a bottle of XO.  In contrast, I bought myself a box of Crayola (96 colours), a colouring book, and two novels, The Architect's Apprentice by Elif Shafak and Colorless Tsukuri Tazaki  by Murakami.  Anyway, I now have a book of potential emergency blips ... hahaha!

In the meantime, the laundry is done and so is the bookkeeping.  Actually, the books were being kept the whole time and my shots were also organized at the end of each day, so no stress there.  The emptied suitcases have gone upstairs ahead of us.  Time for a good night's rest in our own bed.

THANK YOU ALL for trailing along behind us.  Hopefully now there'll be a bit more time to read your journals.  Tomorrow I'll be at work.

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