We walked the dogs before Mr.MS7 went to try out some new clubs at the golf course. I made a double batch of raisin and chocolate chip fairy cakes. Our daughter in law, A arrived at the same time as Mr.MS7 arrived back home. A went for a run, she is in training for an event. We played with T and C in the garden.

After lunch we all went out blackberry picking. The dogs had a very good run across the fields. When we arrived back home T wanted to make a blackberry and apple crumble. Mr.MS7 picked some Bramley's and T helped to make the crumble.  I cooked the children their tea, followed by crumble. The children were bathed prior to going home.
 T wanted to take the crumble home so  his Daddy could have some, he did let us take two portions out for us! T also wanted his Dad to have some little cakes so they disappeared too!
A lovely day, but I am so tired now!!!

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