
By mrsc48

Good enough for me

Haggis thinks he's in the jungle!

He thinks the girraffe is his mam and he's kneading it.

Today has seen my teenage daughter receive her GCSE results. Her expression as she ran out and up the steps with a big smile on her face because she doesn't have to resit maths was something to behold and you can't put it in a bottle.

She has worked extremely hard to achieve her results and we are very proud of her.

My teenage son also received his science result today but unfortunately all the results aren't in for that so we still wait for the final result to come through, not a good situation really but whatever happens we will still be just as proud.

I can't remember going to collect my results we may even have got them posted (its so long ago!)
I do know i could have tried harder, i could have revised more. I didn't do my best because i couldn't be a***d to be honest. So i will never know what i could have achieved I just know what I did achieve which didn't really amount to much.

At least my daughter and son know they did their best and that is good enough for me.

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