
By mef13

Strong views

Another open space in Wellow village centre has attracted the eye of developers, and a plan to build ten houses there has been put to the local council.
This field is quite separate from the one near my place and which we highlighted a few weeks ago with controversial proposals to build 26 houses. But the two fields, while in different roads do back onto each other.
And  because they are both designated as green field sites in rural lanes, the same controversial issues apply to them both, and villagers who oppose one are equally likely to object to the other.
What worries them too is that there are likely to be more applications to the planners for development on other land in the village.
One group of villagers say that for a number of reasons it seems landowners and developers see an opportunity to submit speculative applications in the hope that residents will not object.
They have strong views and their contention is that the village is a unique and well balanced rural environment and that speculative applications like this threaten the community.

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