NCN Route 75 (Not Route 66) Colinton-ish

And a morning without children; I knew the day would come. After 7 years of Friday mornings doing things with the wee yins, they're both now in school and - well - I'm lost.

What to do? Allotment? Maybe. Housework? It's mostly up to date. Cigs? Obv.
So out with the bike and off in search of the furthest one from me that I know of that remains unblipped. And that's at Colinton - in the tunnel on the footpath / cyclepath that roughly follows the Water of Leith.

A nice day; I followed a bit of my old commute; indulged in some high speed capers on Ellersly Road, a gentle meander through Memory Lane (aka Colinton Dell) and finally rolled up for this one.

Big, bold, black outlines; no infill, dated 2014. Done on a 5 second shutter speed and I ended up with a ghostly selfie to boot.

I compiled a list last night; I think I have the next 2 months shooting schedule in some sort of order. There's a few miles to be covered, that's for sure.... Still - keeps me fit.

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