Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

The Explorer

Mr. Quail is exploring the yard with his family in tow.  I couldn't get a shot of all of them because they kept darting behind the big rock and the cactus.  There was Mrs. Quail and the two grown sons.  The sons were virtually full grown.  I don't have any idea when they go off on their own, break away from their parents. 

Perhaps they spend the winter with them, learning the ropes of survival and wooing - or learning how to woo - a mate.  Then when they come back in the spring they are prepared to start their own families.  I just can't imagine them being thrown off to survive the winter on their own. The Gambel's quail are so family oriented that seems so counter-intuitive.  At least the romantic in me would like to think they stay together, or at least close, forever.

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